Saturday, January 25, 2020

Hades Essay -- essays research papers

The ancient Greeks portrayed the underworld as a place for all the dead and clearly visualized it in their myths and legends. The underworld in Greek mythology was not a lively place, for it was where all the dead souls went. When a person died, the soul would be sent to Hades, a more formal name for the underworld. "The dead would go to Hades because there was no annihilation in the Greek mythology. The dead are dead because they have a flavorless and unhappy existence". The primary ruling god of the underworld is Hades whose brother is Zeus, king of the gods, and whose parents are Cronus and Rhea. Hades is a greedy god with his greatest concern being to increase the number of his subjects. He is very stubborn about letting people out of the underworld. Hades himself, rarely leaves the underworld. In one myth, however, we know of a time when he did leave his soulful domain. Hades became very lonely in the underworld, and went above and kidnapped Demeter’s daughter, Persephone, for his wife.Persephone, nonetheless, was not Hades’ only significant other. Hades had a mistress called Minthe whom Persephone later transformed into a plant. Hades is also known as the god of wealth due to the precious metals mined from the earth. He has been said to possess a helmet that was given to him by the Cyclops. This helmet has been said to make him invisible. Hades lent it to gods and mortal men. Perseus used the helmet on his quest for Medusa’s head and Athena, goddess of battle skills, put to use the helmet so the god of war, Ares, could not notice her. Persephone, Hades’ wife, is the goddess of spring and the Queen of the underworld. She resides in the underworld for only six months of the year due to Hades kidnapping her. She was told not to eat anything for then she would have to remain in the underworld. While in the underworld, Persephone consumed six pomegranate seeds. Her mother Demeter, goddess of agriculture, threw a fit. Demeter complained to her brother Zeus. To be fair, Zeus stated that Persephone would have to remain in the underworld one month per seed each year. So, Persephone now resides in the underworld six months out of every year. When the Olympians overthrew their father Cronus, the Olympians drew straws to see who would rule what part of world. Even though Hades, also known as the Roman God Pluto, drew the straw for the underworld, there... ...h crystal windows; and because there is little or no sunshine thereabouts, the apartments are illuminated with diamond lamps. One tradition involving the underworld occurs above Hades. When a person died someone would place a coin under the tongue of the victim. Charon, the ferryman, would not take any soul across the River Styx who did not have the coin. Those who didn’t would roam the banks of the river for eternity. Achilles once said to Odysseus when he entered the underworld on his journey home to Ithaca "Do not speak soothingly to me of death, glorious Odysseus. I should choose to serve as the hireling of another, rather than to be lord over the dead that have perished". In reference to the River of Forgetfulness, Plato said "They were all required to drink a measure of the water, and those who were not saved by their good sense, drank more than the measure, and each one as he drank forgot all things". Therefore, the Underworld was a place of internity. The Greeks believed strongly of the Underworld and displayed it in their myths and legends. From courageous heroes to punished miscreants their was a place for everyone, living and dead, in the Underworld.

Friday, January 17, 2020

BP Crisis Communication

A crisis was exactly what British Petroleum (referred to as ‘BP throughout the paper) went through in 2010. It was particularly important to communicate the right way taking all considerations into account. We were wondering how the specific crisis went so wrong and if the use of specific communication strategy was beneficial or not. Hence, the communication strategies used to overcome the crisis can be used by many other companies in the future as guidelines of how to do and, maybe more important, how not to.Also, the intervention from the American government, the pressure from the local community and how the media was used, is extremely important in the BP case. This paper intends to show how BP communicated and reacted throughout the crisis. It will discuss the challenges BP had and it will especially focus on how BP actually reacted to the crisis and how they perhaps should have reacted differently, including the use of communication theories. Finally, the paper will outlin e the consequences of the crisis on both organization and communication strategy.On April 20, 2010, the Departed Horizon oil-drilling rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico resulted in the deaths of 11 rig workers, but public attention quickly shifted from their deaths to the following environmental and economic damages – the incident was described as the worst maritime oil spill accident in history, as the accident released over 18 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Three months passed before BP substantially stopped the leak, all the while the crisis was evilly covered by all news media in the United States as well as internationally.As a result of this, the BP oil spill case serves an excellent example of analysis of BSP crisis communication. L The total cost of BP to indemnify the clean up of the environment and funds to affected workers has reached almost two billion dollars. 2 2 www. Guardian. Co. UK/business/2012/July/31 /BP-departed-horizon-costs Page 4 of 28 Incorporated in 1909 in England , BP has become one of the world's largest multinational companies operating in more than 80 countries 4, leading in oil and as industry, including exploration and production, refining, distribution, extracting and producing renewable energy.The company provides their customers with energy for heating and lighting, fuel for transportation and energy for retail services and petrochemical products. BP employs approximately 80,000 employees, and sales and other operating revenues add up to $375,517 million in 20116 . Finally BP is also a conglomerate owning several brands such as: ORAL, ARC, Castro, amp and The Wild Bean Cafe ©. Having settled â€Å"BP and the Departed Horizon Crisis† as the case, which this paper ill centre around, the problem statement is as follows: To which extent has BP successfully communicated during the Departed Horizon Crisis?In order to examine the problem statement the paper will attempt to address the followi ng issues: I) Characterize how BP communicated during the crisis. It) Analyses the effects of BSP communicative strategies. Iii) Discuss and evaluate whether or not BP has been successful in dealing with the crisis seen from a communicative perspective. In this paper a broad spectrum of empirical data has been used. However, most of the empirical data has been found through articles in different newspapers – the use f different newspapers and their viewpoints has given us very diversified inputs throughout the paper.But this does not exclude a use of quantitative data which, amongst other things, have been used to illuminate the several attempts of BP to use CARS-strategies, and underline the immense loss of fiscal funds the crisis has caused. The rather specific choices of qualitative data have been used to shed light on the different views of the crisis – and the several statements pointing toward similar conclusions have helped to support the points made and clarify a rather eventful crisis.In addition, the conclusions deducted throughout the paper have been supported by theories worked with in classes and the additional http://www. BP. Com/liveliness/BP_internet/global/Stating/global_assets/ downloads/F/ OFF_2007_2011 _full_book. PDF 4 http://www. BP. Com/liveliness/BP_internet/global/Stating/global_assets/ downloads/l/BP_20-F_2009. PDF 5 http://www. BP. Com/Congregationalists. Do? Category=3&contentld=2006926 6 http://www. BP. Com/Congregationalists. Do? Category=3&contentld=2006926 page 5 of 28 theories which proved to be necessary or helpful.In the beginning of the work with he case study of BSP crisis response, a pretty sufficient understanding of the crisis as a whole was in place, we assumed, but as the paper progressed and different theories were applied our understanding of BP and the relationship to their stakeholders grew. The quantitative data used also comes from BSP own publications as well as articles from different internationa l online newspapers. Of course, the reader must have in mind that BSP own figures, occasionally, might have been used to strengthen their image and not only inform the reader.When examining and analyzing the Deep Water Horizon oil spill crisis, this paper is et out to delimit the case by answering our initial problem statement. To narrow our focus down to the relevant aspects in the case we have decided to delimit our analysis to the main stakeholders, including: (I) the American government; (it) the local society; and (iii) the media. This has been done not only due to the formal constraints of the paper, but also in order to go into depth with these stakeholders, who we reckon to be, of major importance to this crisis within the given delimitation's of this paper.In order to answer this paper we find it necessary to make a common definition of a crisis. Extensive studies have been carried out on crisis communications over the past two decades. A brief review of literature on this subject reveals that there are several definitions of organizational crisis, depending on theorists' different viewpoints on what constitutes a crisis. Herman claimed that to reach the level of a crisis, the event must contain three negative attributes: surprise, threat, and short response time.Surprise means that the organization did not prepare for the magnitude of the crisis. Threat means that the event poses a threat to the organization's financial security, customers, surrounding environment etc. Short response time refers to the urgent need of preventive action in order to stop an intensification of the crisis. 7 For the purpose of this paper the following deduction of a definition off crisis is found useful: Hermann, C. F. , 1963. Some consequences of crisis which limit the viability of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 8, p. 61-82. Page 6 of 28 W.Timothy Combs utilizes the interconnectivity of these three attributes to make his definition of a crisis: â€Å"A crisis can be defined as an event that is an unpredictable, major threat that can have a negative effect on the organization, industry, or takeovers if handled improperly. â€Å"8 Furthermore, according to the very same book, organizations frequently find themselves in situations that can be identified as crisis. There are no exceptions; â€Å"We must accept that no organization is immune from a crisis anywhere in the world even if that organization is vigilant and actively seeks to prevent crises. † (Combs & Holiday, 2010: p. 7). This reality urges the need for preparation and readiness to respond – what is called crisis management. The major difference between handling an issue and an actual crisis is that an issue turns into crisis when it goes from the company domain into the public domain; a situation, which sometimes is inevitable no matter how competent the management is. 9 10 The term ‘a crisis within a crisis', or a so-called ‘double-crisis', as coined by Danish professors Finn Freedmen and Winning Johannes, refers to a situation where a company experiences a communication crisis that overshadows the initial crisis. 1 A crisis within a crisis naturally has negative implications for a company since it emphasizes weaknesses in the company's internal structure and/or interactions with stakeholders. The term is relevant to apply to this particular case because its give an accurate description of the consequences of BSP communicative strategy. The agenda setting theory distinguishes between two levels of agenda setting in the media. The first level deals with the significance of an organization where an organization receives more media attention then other related organizations.The second level relates to associations or topics that the public associates with a particular organization. 12 One of the important aspects when dealing with the media is the agenda, which stakeholders often associate to organizations. The agenda settin g theory is related to this assumption and therefore is significant to apply when analyzing BSP media relations. Combs, T. W. & Holiday, S. J. 2010. The Handbook of Crisis Communications. Wiley- Blackwell, p. 18. Benches, Claus. Guest Lecturer, Global Media Relations Manager at Damon.Gave a lecture on crisis communication on Tuesday the 20th of November. 10 Benches, Claus. Guest Lecturer, Global Media Relations Manager at Damon. Gave a lecture on crisis communication on Tuesday the 20th of November. From his PDF on Crisis Communication. 11 http://pure. AU. Dc/portal-cab-student/files/10106/ Crisis_communication_-_Not_Just_peanuts. PDF 12 Cornelius, Jeep. 2011. Corporate Communication – A Guide to Theory and Practice. Page 146. 9 page 7 of 28 An important element for an organization, according to protect its own reputation, is the communication with stakeholders.As a company might have many different stakeholders it is important to have a tool to categories them. Once the stak eholders are categorized the organization will be able to decide, how and how much it should communicate with this stakeholder. In general when describing stakeholders this paper is using Edward Freeman's definition of a stakeholder: A stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected but the achievement of the organization's purpose and objectives†. 3 In order to categories stakeholders this assignment will use the ‘Stakeholder salience model'. The superiority of this model is that while being extremely simple to use it is also extremely precise when in its finding of how much effort the organization should use when communicating with each category of stakeholder, and even more important; how the company should communicate with its various stakeholders.The model is based on â€Å"salience†, defined as the visibility of the stakeholder to the organization using three parameters; (a) the power of the stakeholder group, (b) the legitimacy of the c laim laid upon the organization, and (c) the urgency of how important the claim is according to the need of an immediate action. The purpose of the model is to define how salient a stakeholder group is. The model is based on seven different types of stakeholder groups; (1) Dormant stakeholders are the ones with dominant power and the ability to affect other groups of stakeholders.They are not able to legitimate their claims, and power will only be dormant but have an influence anyway. Mostly, this would be wealthy stakeholders. (2) Discretionary stakeholders are stakeholders with a high degree of legitimacy but without the necessary power to influence the organization. (3) Demand stakeholders are the ones with urgent claims but without power and the necessary legitimacy to enforce them. (4) Dominant stakeholders are the group of stakeholders representing both legitimacy and power.These are stakeholders having great influence on the organization, e. G. Owners and big investors. (5) D angerous stakeholders are people with both urgent and claims on power. In addition, these will often attempt to use unfair† means. (6) Dependent stakeholders are those who rely on others to get their claims carried out – mostly because of the lack of power. Finally, (7) Definitive stakeholders can be identified as the ones having both legitimacy and urgency as well as power. These are the most powerful stakeholders and it is strictly Cornelius, Jeep. 011. Corporate Communication – A Guide to Theory and Practice. Page 42. Page 8 of 28 necessary for the organization to keep close communication with these. Normally, it would be definitive stakeholders who can also be classified as the shareholders. Once the stakeholders are categorized, the firm can now decide on strategy of communication. When researching strategies of communication, this paper has used the basic framework of communicative strategy given to us in â€Å"Corporate Communication – A Guide to T heory and Practice†14 .The framework generally provides three different strategies. This framework is chosen because of its simplicity when it comes to numbers of strategies and complexity when it comes to ways of communicating within each strategy, hence the framework provide an extremely useful tool when analyzing and discussing what mind of communication BP has conducted, how it worked, why the strategy did not work and why it might have worked better: Informal strategy is a strategy of simple informing about something through; newsletters, press releases etc.This strategy is hence based on the idea that objective information about the organization should be passed on to the relevant stakeholders. Persuasive strategy uses tools such as advertising and meetings/discussions with stakeholders. The general aim of this strategy is to change the stakeholders' image into a more favorable one or to create particular understanding with the organization's decisions. The strategy will not create change in the organization, but rather aims to create change in the stakeholders' perception of the organization and its decisions.Dialogue strategy aims to create a mutual understanding and/or mutual decisions between stakeholders and the organization. Timothy Combs divides a crisis into four different types with two different aspects. The four types are; faux pas, terrorism, accidents and transgressions. In addition, a crisis in this matrix can be of either internal or external, and intentional or unintentional characteristics. 1 5

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Teaching the Compare and Contrast Essay

The compare/contrast essay is easy and rewarding to teach for several reasons: Its easy to convince students there is a reason for learning it.You can teach it effectively in a few steps.You can see students critical thinking skills improve as they learn to write the essay.Once mastered, students feel proud of their ability to systematically compare and contrast two subjects. Below are the steps you can use to teach the compare/contrast essay. They have been used in regular high school classes where reading levels ranged from fourth to twelfth grade. Step 1 Discuss practical reasons for comparing and contrasting.Discuss reasons for learning to write about similarities and differences. Selecting subjects that matter to students is critical for this step. For example, one might be to compare two models of cars and then write a letter to a benefactor who might buy them one. Another would be a store manager writing to a buyer about two products. Academic topics such as comparing two organisms, two wars, two approaches to solving a math problem may also be useful. Step 2 Show a model compare/contrast essay. Explain that there are two ways to write the essay but dont go into any detail on how to do it just yet. Step 3 Explain compare/contrast cue words. Explain that when comparing, students should mention differences but focus on similarities. Conversely, when contrasting they should mention similarities but focus on differences. Step 4 Teach students how to use  compare/contrast charts. You should plan to spend a few classes on this. Although it seems simple, students doing it for the first time perform better if they arent rushed through this step. Working in teams, with a partner, or in a group is helpful. Step 5 List and model the Writing Dens  cue words  to show similarities and differences. Many tenth graders have difficulty thinking of these words if this step is skipped. Provide model sentences with these words which they can use until they become comfortable with them. Step 6 Explain charts showing how to organize compare/contrast  paragraphs  and  essays. Have students write the block style first since it is easier. Students should be told that the block is better to show similarities and the feature-by-feature is better to show differences. Step 7 Provide guided practice in writing the  first draft. Guide students through their first essay providing help with an introduction and transition sentences. It is helpful to allow students to use a chart they have completed as a class or one that they have done independently and  that you have checked. Do not assume they understand the chart until they have done one correctly. Step 8 Provide in-class writing time. By giving in-class writing time, many more students will work on the assignment. Without it, students with little motivation may not write the essay. Walk around asking who needs a little help to get more participation from reluctant learners. Step 9 Review the steps in the  writing process.Review editing suggestions and give time for  revision. Explain that after writing their essay, students should edit and revise. They should continue the cycle of editing and revising until they are satisfied with the quality of their essay. Explain the advantages of revising on the computer. For  editing  tips, check  these suggestions for revising drafts  from the University of North Carolina Writing Center. Step 10 Review the  SWAPS Proofreading Guide  and give students time to proofread their essays. Step 11 Have students evaluate their peers essays using a  Compare/Contrast Rubric. Staple a rubric to each essay and have students evaluate them. Be sure to check off on a roster the names of students who turn in essays because they could be stolen during the peer evaluation activity. Consider requiring students who have not finished to submit their essay for peer evaluation after writing  Not Finished  at the top of their papers. This helps peers recognize that the essay is incomplete. More importantly, taking their paper forces them to participate in the evaluation activity rather than trying to finish the essay in class. Consider giving 25 points each for evaluating three essays and another 25 points for quiet participation. Step 12 Review the proofreading guide briefly and then devote half a period to proofread one anothers essays. Tell students to read their essay aloud or to have someone else read it to them to catch any errors. Have students proofread several essays and sign their names at the top of the paper: Proofread by ________.